In Deutschland
sind derzeit (März 2025) diese Profis als Professional Horsemen
von der AQHA anerkannt:
Alexander Eck, Bünde
Alexandra Jagfeld, Uedem
Alexandra Schürmann, Zülpich
Bernd Hackl, Ruhmannsfelden
Gina Ulveie, Köln
Helga Hommel, Schenefeld
John Royer, Bad Sassendorf
Keith Long, Stöckse
Klaus Holzwarth-Fischer, Hechingen
Laura Faris, Osterholz-Scharmbeck
Lucy Adams, Lübben
Matteo Toniolli, Schlüsselfeld
Sandra Schaub, Rheinbach
Stefanie Bubenzer, Gevelsberg
Ute Holm, Rottenburg
Volker Laves, Wenden
finden Sie hier.

AQHA Professional Horsewoman: Ute Holm
Mit der Anerkennung des Ehrenkodex verpflichtet sich die Professional
Horsemen, das Ansehen des Quarter Horses in sportlichen und geschäftlichen
Angelegenheiten bestmöglich zu vertreten:
To adhere to the professional standards of the American Quarter
Horse Association and to work to further its goals and objectives.
To ensure that the welfare of the American Quarter Horse is paramount
and that every American Quarter Horse shall at all times be treated
humanely and with dignity, respect and compassion.
To conduct all business affairs with integrity, sincerity and
accuracy in an open and forth right manner.
To act with integrity in financial dealings with clients, other
professionals and the public. In this regard, any horse shown
by my spouse, client or child will be economically owned as prescribed
by applicable rules.
To fully disclose to customers the actual sales price and commissions
involved in the sale or purchase of a horse.
To not charge or receive a monetary commission, or other remuneration
constituting a commission from both the buyer and seller of a
To handle our business and operations in a manner which promotes
the image of the American Quarter Horse industry.
To instill confidence among clients and the public in the American
Quarter Horse industry, avoiding any action conducive to discrediting
it or membership in the American Quarter Horse Association.
Fragen? Die 20 wittelsbuerger.com-Experten helfen
gerne weiter,
z.B. Pat Faitz, Sylvia Katschker und Sylvia Jäckle für den
Bereich AQHA.
wittelsbuerger.com-Expertenforum gelangen Sie hier.
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